The Implementation Of Interactive Multimedia To Improve The Mastery Of Concepts And Selfreliance Of Students In IX Grade At MA Muslimat NU Palangka Raya

Yulia Bhayangkari. 2009. “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA TO IMPROVE THE MASTERY OF CONCEPTS AND SELFRELIANCE OF STUDENTS IN IX GRADE AT MA MUSLIMAT NU PALANGKA RAYA” Thesis: Bachelor Of Education At State Islamic Institute Palangkaraya. Advisor I: Mila, M.Pd;. Advisor II: H. Mukhlis Rohmadi, M.Pd.


The structure and function of tissues in plants is a biology lesson included basic subjects in the field of science in Madrasah Aliyah. The structure and function in plants consisting of roots, stems, leaves and fruit. To determine the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia in learning IPA outcomes on the concept of structure and function in plants that achieved by student’s XI grade at MA MUSLIMAT NU, the researcher conducted a study using the Interactive Multimedia. It tailored to the student’s ability to learn and do more to understand the concepts and principles of biology, with the result that expect better student learning outcomes. The study aimed to determine student’s mastery of concepts and self-reliance in XI grade at MA MUSLIMAT NU Palangkaraya. The benefits of this research for students was to improve learning outcomes and student activity.

The research belonged to a classroom action research,  a design that use the first cycle and the second cycle. There are four main activities within each cycle, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects consisted of I Class XI on Science MA MUSLIMAT NU using media image  in the interactive multimedia. The  data collected by testing,  and  documentation.

The results of data analysis showed that the increased mastery of the concept in the first cycle the average student’s mastery of concepts is 70, an increase of 5 points in the second cycle be 75. So, there are differences in mastery of concepts in materials structure and function of tissues in plants in the cycle I and II by using Interactive multimedia in grade XI MA NU’s Women Palangkaraya. Students’ independence can be seen from the learning process by using interactive multimedia DVD tapes categorized as good, but not as much care as 16 people. This is evident from the overall average of 43%. Students use interactive multimedia DVD cassette including the excellent category and caution by 4 people with a presentation of 16%. Students use interactive multimedia DVD tapes categorized as good and careful presentation of 15 people with 41%. Interactive Multimedia tailored to the student’s ability to study biological processes necessary approaches, methods and media to be more active student learning.


Keywords: concept mastery, self-reliance, and interactive multimedia.

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