Chemistry Learning Using TAI and GI Methods Overviewd from the Student’s Curiousity and Creativity


The purposes of the research to know: (1) the effect of TAI and GI methods toward learning achievement, (2) the effect of the students’ curiousity toward  learning achievement, (3) the effect of thr students’ creativitytoward learning achievement, (4) the interaction between students’s curiosity with the TAI and GI method to learning achievement, (5) the interaction between students’ creativity with the TAI and GI method one to the learning achievement, (6) the interaction between the curiousity and  students’ creativity to the learning achievement, (7) the interaction between TAI and GI method, curiousity and student’s creativity to the learning achievement, based on subject discussed “reaction velocity”.

            This research was carried from June 2009 to March 2010 by using experimental method. The population was all of students of XIth grade MAN 1 Surakarta. The sample was taken using Purposive Random Sampling, the sample consisted of two classes, the firs-class as a TAI experimental and then as a GI the experiment. The data is collected by the test method and quetionnare. Data were analyzed using three ways of Anova folowed up by Anova Scheffe test.

            From the result of data analysis can be concluded that: (1) there is an influence of  TAI and GI  method of learning achievement, Fa = 49,593  > Ftab = 3.99,  (2) there is an influence of the students’ curiousity to the learning achievement, Fb = 28.983> Ftab = 3.99, (3) there is an influence of students’ creativity to the learning achievement, Fc = 30,682> Ftab = 3.99,  (4) there is an interaction between students curiosity with the TAI and GI method of  learning achievement, Fab = 21,091> Ftab = 3.99,  (5) there is an interaction between students’ creativity with the TAI and GI method of learning achievement, Fac = 30,330 > Ftab = 3.99,  (6) there was no interaction between the curiousity and students’ creativity toward learning achievement, Fabc = 52.40 < Ftab = 3.99, (7) there is no interaction between TAI and GI method, curiousity and students’ creativity toward learning achievement, Fabc = -102,072 < Ftab = 3.99. The implication to learning that is more interesting, meaningfull and that makes student more actif in learning process.

Key Word   : TAI (Team Assisted Individualization), GI (Group Investigation), curiousity, creativity.
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