Analysis Item Test Made by Teacher Biology Study Program at MAN Sampit

Izzaty, Eliyanur. 2016. Analysis Item Test Made by Teacher Biology Study Program at MAN Sampit. (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis


Item of UAS Biology in Sampit never be analysis, according quality and quantities that consist of level of difficult, power distinguishing, distracter, validity, and reliability. The purpose of this research was to know quality of item of UAS made by teacher biology in Semester Genap 2015/2016 year based on conformity with cognitive dimension taxonomy bloom, level of difficult, power distinguishing, distracter, validity, and reliability.

Research method used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The subject was all teacher who teach Biology in MAN Sampit, as many as two people. The object of research item made by teacher Biology, data collected with documentation. Analysis Qualitative on  item of UAS in subject Biology, meanwhile Quantitative used SPSS 21 program.

Result of research showed that biology item of class X and class XI were : (1) Quality of Middle exam Semester UAS biology 2015/2016 year class X and XI in Man Sampit have quality good enough, because have suitable with the standard item but need to improvement aspect material and construction on some item, (2) Level of difficult each item biology class X as many as 3 item difficult category, 3 item enough category, and 34 item easy category meanwhile in class XI that as many as 8 item difficult category, 9 item enough category, and 23 item easy category, (3) Power distinguishing item biology class X the item showed very good category there was not, good category was 2 test, enough category was 11 item, and bad category was 27 item, meanwhile in class XI item showed very good category there was not, good category was 2 item, enough category was 12 item, and bad category was 26 item, (4) distracter each item biology class  from 40 item got 2 item  good category , 10 item enough criteria, 18 item less good criteria, 10 item not good criteria, in class XI got 3 item very good criteria, 6 item good criteria, 12 item enough criteria, 14 item less good, and 5 item not good criteria, (5) The validity of biology item class X from 40 students found 21 showed valid meanwhile item invalid as many as 19 item, in class XI from 40 item found 16 item showed valid meanwhile item invalid as many as 24 item, and (6) The reliability each biology item have high level reliability or reliability was 0,731 in class X and 0,667 in class XI.

Key word :  Analysis Test, Taxonomy Bloom, SPSS 21 Program

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