Silsilah Keluarga Jawa

Dalam sebuah garis keturunan, biasanya ada garis ke atas dan ke bawah. Dalam garis ke atas mulai dari bapak, kakek/nenek dan terus ke atas. Sedangkan ke bawah mulai dari anak, cucu dan seterusnya. Untuk di daerah Jawa, ada istilah dalam garis keturunan sejauh hingga keturunan ke-18. Tulisan ini merupakan upaya turut melestarikan budaya dan warisan para leluhur. Di Jawa, garis keturunan ini sering disebut dengan istilah TRAH / BANI untuk di beberapa di daerah.


Di Keluarga orang Jawa, biasanya menyebut orang tuanya dengan sebutan Bapak/Bapa dan Ibu/Biyung, dan orang tua dari Ibu Bapak disebut Simbah atau Eyang. Lalu orang tuanya

Berikut adalah istilah untuk level keturunan (ke bawah) dan level leluhur (ke atas) dalam Bahasa Jawa :

Moyang ke-18. Mbah Trah Tumerah

Moyang ke-17. Mbah Menya-menya

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Comparison in Applying of Macromedia Flash and Video Media with Cooperative Model Type STAD of Human Respiration System Material toward Students Motivation and Learning Result at SMPN 12 Palangka Raya Grade VIII

Nur, Rahmadani. 2017.Comparison in Applying of Macromedia Flash and Video Media with Cooperative Model Type STAD of Human Respiration System Material toward Students Motivation and Learning Result at SMPN 12 Palangka Raya Grade VIII (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis. Advisor I : Dr. H. Suadma, M.Biomed., Advisor II : H. Mukhlis Rohmadi, M.Pd.




This research is started by students’ difficulty in understanding and mastering learning material which is abstract especially material about human respiration system. This case is caused by mistake in choosing of learning strategy and lack of media that is used in teaching learning process. We hope the using of media will make students be easier in understanding abstract things to become concrete and can increase ability in mastering concept about human respiration system material.

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Fransiska, Junita Kopela. 2017. Generative Learning Application Model Toward The Increase Of Students’ Critical Thinking Skill In Mts An- Nur Palangka Raya Sound Concept Academic Year 2016/2017 (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis. Advisor I : H. Mukhlis Rohmadi, M.Pd., Advisor II : Hadma Yuliani, M.Pd.


This research aims to know :(1) teacher and students’ activites after learning process by using generative learning model in MTs An-Nur Palangkaraya on sound concept; (2) students’ learning motivations after learning process by using generative learning model in MTs An-Nur Palangkaraya on sound material; (3) the increase of students learning results in MTs An-Nur Palangka Raya after application of genarative learning model on sound material; (4) the increase of students’ critical thinking skill by using  generative learning model in MTs An-Nur Palangka Raya on sound material;

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The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model toward Students’ Scientific Attitude on Protista Material Grade X MIPA SMAN 5 Palangka Raya Academic Year 2016/2017

Naimah, Hj. Siti. 2017. The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model toward Students’ Scientific Attitude on Protista Material Grade X MIPA SMAN 5 Palangka Raya Academic Year 2016/2017 (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis. Advisor I : Hj. Nurul Septiana, M.Pd., Advisor II : Yatin Mulyono, M.Pd.


This research aims to know : (1) is there the difference between students’ scientific attitude that were taught by using guided inquiry learning model with the students that were taught by direct learning model, (2) is there the difference between  students’ cognitive learning results that were taught by using guided inquiry learning model with  the students that were taught by direct learning model.

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Meaningful Sentences

No one can go back and make a brand new start.

Tiada seorangpun yang bisa kembali dan mulai baru dari awal.


Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Setiap orang dapat mulai saat ini dan melakukan akhir yang baru.


God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Tuhan tidak menjanjikan hari-hari tanpa sakit, tertawa tanpa kesedihan, matahari tanpa hujan, tetapi Dia menjanjikan kekuatan untuk hari itu, kebahagiaan untuk air mata, dan terang dalam perjalanan.


Disappointments are like road humps, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.

Kekecewaan bagai “polisi tidur”, ini akan memperlambatmu sedikit tetapi kau selanjutnya akan menikmati jalan rata.

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