Application of Science Technology and Society Approach Against Science Process Skills and Learning Outcomes Subject Matter In Business and Energy Class VIII Semester Mts An-Nur Palangkaraya Academic Year 2016/2017

Rukmana, Siti Hardianti. 2016. Application of Science Technology and Society Approach Against Science Process Skills and Learning Outcomes Subject Matter In Business and Energy Class VIII Semester Mts An-Nur Palangkaraya  Academic Year 2016/2017. (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis


This study aims to determine: (1) Skills science process students use scientific approaches to the technology community, (2) Results of cognitive learning using scientific approaches to the technology community, (3) There is absence of a significant relationship between science process skills against the cognitive learning, (4 ) Activity student uses scientific approaches to the technology community, (5) Management of the learning model of science learning technology community.

This study uses a quantitative approach using descriptive research with correlation type. The study population was class VIII MTs An-Nur Palangkaraya the academic year 2016/2017, and the sample is a class VIII-B selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used were sheets of managing learning, science process skills test and the test results of students’ cognitive learning. Data analysis using Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 18.0 for Windows.

The results showed that: (1) Skills science process students use scientific approaches to community technology included in the medium category with an average score of 58, (2) the results of cognitive learning using learning model pendektan science society technology in the subject matter of effort and energy in the classical and individuals can accomplish 38% of students and 62% of students do not complete (3) There is a significant relationship between science process skills to the learning outcomes with a correlation coefficient of 0.634 in the strong category (4) Activity student uses scientific approaches to community technology included in the category quite well with an average of 70.95% (5) learning management using scientific approaches to community technology included in both categories with an average of 3.52.

Keywords: community approach to science technology, science process skills

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